EULER cluster
Before you start running SOCOL, make yourself familiar with Euler, ETHZ's Linux custer:
We belong to a shareholder group, the Euler Climate group. Find some more information on this collaboration
Now that you know the basic stuff about Euler, we come to the second step:
Slides with a lot of tips & tricks around SOCOL from a SOCOL hands-on session in October 2019:
MEZON Chemistry
Unfortunately, we haven´t found a technical documentation of the MEZON chemistry scheme so far. If you have one, please put it here.
Mixed-Layer Ocean
SOCOL can be run with a mixed-layer ocean (MLO), which considers a water column with a fixed depth of 50m and a thermodynamic sea ice module. This model configuration does not consider active ocean dynamics, but captures the shorter term response of the ocean’s surface temperature to the atmosphere. The heat budget of the oceanic mixed-layer is described by
Cm*dTm/dt = H - Q
where Tm denotes the temperature of the mixed-layer, which substitutes the sea surface temperature in the model version without ocean. Cm and H describe the effective heat capacity of the mixed-layer and the net heat flux at the atmosphere–ocean surface, respectively. The oceanic heat transport Q (also called flux correction term) is intended to compensate for the energy transport by ocean currents, which is not simulated by the MLO model itself
(Steppuhn et al., 2006).
The respective source code (just in case your model version does not come with the correct MLO source files) as well as some instructions on how to run the MLO can be found here:
Get the model code
to be updated
Set stacksize to unlimited in case of intel compiler
IMPORTANT: The model will crash with segmentation fault, if the stacksize is too small. Set it to unlimited when using intel compiler.
It's recommended to set the stacksize also in the run script (see further down).
On ETH cluster Euler
IMPORTANT: Do not use intel/11.0.081. The model will crash with segmentation fault.
Run the model
On ETH cluster Euler
Chemical Preprocessor for SOCOLv3
The chemical preprocessor sets up the chemical equation system and creates the respective model code.
Members of the SOCOL Git group can download the preprocessor package (Fortran code and run scripts) from the IAC GitLab server:
git clone
How to run Chemical Code Generator (CEDR)
- new chemical species (= tracers) have to be included manually into mo_socol_tracers.f90
- same for photolysis rates (mo_socol_sun.f90)
Preparation of photolysis rates (LUT) for SOCOLv3
SOCOLv3 reads pre-calculated photolysis rates as a function of O2 and O3 columns (modules/mo_socol_sun.f90). The actual photolysis rates are calculated online by bi-linear interpolation of the tabulated data onto actual values of total oxygen (XO2) and ozone (XO3) above the respective grid point (src/socol_dis.f90).
Members of the SOCOL Git group can download the LUT package (Fortran code and run scripts) from the IAC GitLab server:
git clone
Step-by-step introduction on how to use git can be found
Instructions on the LUT code are given here:
How to lut
List of model simulations
Google spreadsheet
The model output from the CCMI model simulations is available at
BADC (you might have to request an account there).