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Search Pattern CookbookThe Search function is very powerful. Searches using a RegularExpression play an important part of tapping Foswiki's full potential. Unfortunately RegularExpressions can be incredibly obscure to the uninitiated. Most people not familiar (enough) with Regular Expressions mostly cut and paste (and maybe tweak) from existing examples. This page intends to collect lots of examples together.
Pattern 1: Extract values from a tableProblem definitionSuppose there is a topic with a table defining entries in a data form?. I.e. they define select menu items in a form definition. They are then formatted like:| *Name* | *Type* | *Tooltip message* | | option1 | option | | | option2 | option | | | option3 | option | |How to extract the 'name' values, i.e. 'option1', 'option2' and 'option3' and put them in a HTML form select input? SolutionThe following search pattern can be employed:<form> <select> %SEARCH{ "^\|[^\|]*\| *option *\|" topic="%TOPIC%" type="regex" multiple="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on" format="<option>$pattern(^\| *(.*?) *\|.*)</option>" }% </select> </form>which is, in effect: Pattern 2: List generated from form classificationProblemImagine a form-based topic classification, i.e. every page has a form with several fields. How to:
Test caseIn practice:Image a form with two fields:
Solution%SEARCH{"TopicClassification='%URLPARAM{type}%'" type="query" nosearch="on" format=" * $topic - <font face=\"arial,helvetica\" size=\"1\"> _last modified by_ $wikiusername _on_ $date </font> %BR% <font face=\"arial,helvetica\" size=\"1\"> $formfield(TopicStatus) </font>" sort="topic"}%The filtering select dialogue is created as in Pattern 1: %STARTSIDEBAR% *Filter:* %BR% <form name="selectType" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/%WEB%/" > <select name="type" size="1" onchange="document.location=this.value;"> %SEARCH{ "^\|[^\|]*\| *option *\|" topic="TopicClassification" web="%WEB%" type="regex" multiple="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on" format="<option value=%BASETOPIC%?type=$pattern(^\| *(.*?) *\|.*)>$pattern(^\| *(.*?) *\|.*)</option>" }% <option value=%BASETOPIC%>All pages</option> </select> </form> %STOPSIDEBAR%This will create similar functionality as Foswiki:Extensions.TopicClassificationAddOn Pattern 3: Extract the parent of a given topicProblemHow to get to the parent of the current topic to display on the page?Solution 1: Using METAUse the META macro:%META{ "parent" dontrecurse="on" }%
Pattern 4: Show all Children of a given topicProblemHow to get to the list of all children of the current topic to display on the page?SolutionThe parent information is stored in the topic meta data. Do a SEARCH to find all topic parent meta data pointing to the current topic:Children: %SEARCH{ "parent.name='%TOPIC%'" type="query" nonoise="on" format="[[$topic]]" separator=", " }%Note: Replace %TOPIC% with %BASETOPIC% if you put this SEARCH into the skin or a sidebar.
Pattern 5: Search and display the home topics of public webs in a listProblemHow to find and display public webs in a drop down list box.Solution<form> <select name="topic"> <option value="%TOPIC%">Select...</option> %SEARCH{ "%HOMETOPIC%" scope="topic" web="all" topic="%HOMETOPIC%" format="<option value=\"$web.$topic\">$web</option>" separator=" " }% </select> <input type="submit" value="Go" /> </form> Test casePublic webs can be found with the %WEBLIST% macro.Pattern 6: Create a select box with values from a bullet listProblemWe have a topic with a bullet list with category names. In another topic we want to offer these values in a select box dropdown. For example, CategoryList has:
SolutionThe following search pattern can be employed:<select name="type"> <option>Select category...</option> %SEARCH{" *\s*.*?" topic="CategoryList" type="regex" multiple="on" casesensitive="on" nosummary="on" nosearch="on" noheader="on" nototal="on" format="<option>$pattern(.* \*\s*([^\n]*).*)</option>"}% </select>To render the bullet list as a comma-separated list, use the separator parameter:
%SEARCH{" *\s*.*?" topic="CategoryList" type="regex" multiple="on" casesensitive="on" nosummary="on" nosearch="on" noheader="on" nototal="on" separator="," format="$pattern(.* \*\s*([^\n]*).*)"}% Pattern 7: Extract a value from a named bullet list itemProblemDisplay the user name in the user's topic titleSolutionSearch for theName: entry.
%SEARCH{" * [N]ame: " topic="%TOPIC%" type="regex" casesensitive="on" nosummary="on" nosearch="on" noheader="on" nototal="on" format="---+!! $pattern(.* \* Name: ([^\n]*).*)"}% Test caseTo create a test case, we will put a name entry here:
Pattern 8: Search all topics that have been movedProblemHow would I go about listing all moved topics ?SolutionSearch for the 'moved' meta data. Type this:Moved topics: %SEARCH{ "moved.to!=''" type="query" format="$topic, " nosearch="on" noheader="on" nosummary="on" }%
Related Topics: UserDocumentationCategory, SearchHelp, Macros, FormattedSearch, RegularExpression DBCachePlugin: SearchPatternCookbook not found
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